Couples with premarital education reported higher levels of marital satisfaction and experienced a 30 percent decline in the likelihood of divorce over five years.

-Journal of Family Psychology

premarital coaching online or in-person:

Empower your marriage from the start

The never-ending list of things to accomplish before you get married can distract you from what’s most important: building a secure foundation for the journey you are about to embark on with the one you love most. Your wedding day will come and go. But, with both feet in and a committed investment, your marriage can last a lifetime. Premarital counseling can be a powerful way for you and your partner to prepare for the life you are creating together.

You may know your partner better than anyone else on the planet. But even the most connected couples need guidance in having conversations about deeper topics such as expectations, needs, values, money, family ideals, and intimacy.

Wedding Rings in Boxes

How We’re different: 

Most other coaches offer quick fixes like 7 Steps to Better Communication or 5 Ways to Avoid Conflict. But if understanding and changing behavior were that easy, there wouldn’t be an over 50 percent divorce rate in the US. 

Lori offers a unique, comprehensive premarital coaching and counseling programs to help you understand and connect to each other’s unspoken needs, wants, values and perspectives. She’ll build on the strengths of your relationship and also shed light on the root causes and factors for why you and your partner interact the way you do—especially in times of stress, conflict and elevated emotions. With this new understanding and awareness, you’ll be empowered to successfully navigate any challenges that arise in your marriage, and continue to deepen your bond for years to come.  

Mr. and Mrs. Wedding Sign

What is a healthy marriage?

The ARI premarital program is based on our Five Essential Elements of healthy, fulfilling and sustainable relationships:

      • Trust and Emotional Safety

      • Mindful Communication

      • Intimacy and Sexuality

      • Identity and Individuality

      • Partnership and Roles

Premarital Coaching Program:

  • In person or virtual via Zoom

  • Four one-hour sessions exploring the five essential elements of functional love, and custom tailored to your unique strengths and needs

  • Pre-Coaching Attachment and Love Languages assessments to gain deeper understanding of yourself and your partner

  • Conversation prompts and support in exploring the most common friction points of marriage including parenting, finances, role expectations and intimacy

  • Optional follow up coaching for additional investment

  • Fee $750

Image of Aspen Valley with River and Peaks with Leaves changing | Aspen Relationship Coaching | Aspen Relationship Institute

Location Options:

In Aspen, CO:  Client travel, lodging and meals are not included.

Virtual: Sessions are available online via Zoom.